Secret Bee Pet! How to Get BfA Bee Pet in WoW

Happy Human Paladin and Her Buzzworth

As you navigate the diverse terrains and narratives of Azeroth, have you ever paused to consider the smaller wonders that fly just beyond the reach of your peripheral vision? It’s there, flitting amongst the flowers and the fields—the Secret Bee Pet, a treasure coveted by those who favor the unique companions that World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth has to offer. You’ve likely mastered the art of battle, but have you honed the skill of patient dedication required to obtain this winged ally? This guide is your compass to discovering how to earn the loyalty of the most charmingly striped companion in the realm. The journey to securing the BfA Bee Pet is not for the faint of heart; it’s a path that weaves through secret quests, hidden locations, and an intricate rapport with the smallest of Azeroth’s denizens. Stay tuned to uncover the steps you’ll need to follow, the challenges you’ll face, and the sweet success that awaits at journey’s end.

Understanding the BfA Bee Pet

The BfA Bee Pet, known as ‘Bumbles’ in World of Warcraft, is a unique companion that you can earn through a series of engaging in-game activities. Located in Stormsong Valley, your journey begins at Mildenhall Meadery, where you’ll come across Rosaline Mildenhall. She’s key to unlocking the secrets that lead to Bumbles, and you’ll need to befriend her to get started.

To add Bumbles to your collection of bee friends, you’ll dive into a questline that involves a mix of tasks, including mini-games at the meadery and surrounding areas. You’ll collect and deliver resources, protect the apiary, and even engage in pet battles. Bumbles isn’t just a battle pet; it’s a status symbol among collectors and fighters alike, signaling your dedication and love for Azeroth’s smaller inhabitants.

One thrilling part of the adventure is the Honey Smasher encounter. This formidable foe is a challenge you must overcome to obtain one of the items necessary for Bumbles. It’s not just about brute strength; strategy and preparedness are crucial in taking down the Honey Smasher. Once defeated, you’re one significant step closer to earning the loyalty of your new buzzing battle companion.

Initial Quest and Location

Embarking on your journey to acquire Bumbles starts with a visit to Mildenhall Meadery in Stormsong Valley, where you’ll meet the key figure, Rosaline Mildenhall. She’s your gateway to the world of bee companions in Azeroth. Once you find her, you’ll be set on a path that not only gets you a classic companion pet but also immerses you in the secret life of bees within the game.

The initial quest, aptly named “Let’s Bee Friends,” is your starting line. This quest, once completed, will reward you with the adorable Bumbles, a pet that’ll buzz alongside you on your adventures. It’s a unique quest that requires a bit of legwork, but it’s well worth the effort for the joy of having your own honey bee pet.

Here’s a quick reference table to guide you on your first steps:

Quest StartRosaline Mildenhall at Mildenhall Meadery
LocationStormsong Valley
Companion Pet EarnedBumbles
Notable ActivitiesCollecting resources, Learning about bees

Don’t forget to prepare for the task ahead; you’ll need to be ready to collect and learn, as these are essential for bonding with your future bumble bee pet, Bumbles. Now, off you go! Stormsong Valley awaits, and so does your new buzzing classic companion pet.

Collecting Thin Jelly

How do you collect Thin Jelly, the essential ingredient in befriending Bumbles? It’s simpler than you might think, but it’ll require a bit of legwork. Thin Jelly is scattered throughout Stormsong Valley, specifically in areas where bees buzz around their hives.

To kick things off, here’s what you need to do:

  • Scout for Beehives:
  • Check around trees, cliffs, and even some structures.
  • Keep an eye out for the distinctive golden glow that indicates a beehive nearby.
  • Gather Jelly:
  • Once you spot a hive, approach and loot the Thin Jelly.
  • Be prepared for a possible bee attack! They’re not too fond of sharing.

Befriending the Beeholder

Once you’ve stockpiled Thin Jelly, it’s time to win over the Beeholder’s trust. This friendly NPC is your key to earning the BfA bee pet in World of Warcraft. Head over to Stormsong Valley, where you’ll find the Beeholder eagerly waiting for someone to help with the hive.

Start by offering your Thin Jelly as a token of goodwill. You’ll need to do this repeatedly, as trust isn’t won overnight. Each offering will increase your reputation with the Beeholder, and as your bond strengthens, you’re inching closer to getting your buzzy companion.

Pay attention to the Beeholder’s requests. They might need assistance with tasks around the hive or require more jelly. Fulfilling these requests is crucial; it shows your dedication to their cause. Remember, the goal is to become the Beeholder’s trusted ally, not just a one-time helper.

As you progress, you’ll notice the Beeholder warming up to you, sharing more about the bees and their needs. Stay patient and consistent with your efforts. Before you know it, you’ll be the proud owner of a new winged friend, a testament to your hard work and persistence in the fields of Stormsong.

Earning the Bumbles Pet

After consistently helping the Beeholder with their hive tasks, you’ll be well on your way to earning the affection of the Bumbles pet in WoW. This bundle of buzz is not just handed to you, though; you’ll need to prove your dedication to the hive. Here’s how you can show your commitment and become the proud owner of your very own Bumbles:

  • Complete daily quests:
  • ‘Let’s Bee Friends’
  • Other related tasks
  • Gather and turn in Thin Jelly:
  • Found throughout the zone
  • Used to gain reputation

Remember, patience is key. You won’t get Bumbles overnight, but your efforts will pay off. Stay focused on the tasks at hand, keep your jelly jars full, and before you know it, you’ll have a new buzzing companion to accompany you on your Azeroth adventures.

Don’t forget to interact with Bumbles once you’ve got him! He’s not just a trophy; he’s a friend. So, keep him close, show him the sights, and enjoy the sweet success of your hard work. Now, go out there and get buzzing!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can the Bfa Bee Pet Be Used in Pet Battles, and if So, What Are Its Unique Abilities and Stats?

Yes, you can use the BfA bee pet in pet battles. It’s got unique abilities like Sting and Buzz, with stats that are pretty balanced for offense and defense.

Are There Any Specific Server or Seasonal Requirements to Obtain the Bfa Bee Pet, Such as the Event Being Available Only During a Particular Time of the Year?

You’re in luck; there are no seasonal restrictions to snag the BfA bee pet! You can embark on the quest to add this buzzy companion to your collection at any time of year.

Can Players With a Character on the Horde Faction Obtain the Bfa Bee Pet, or Is It Exclusive to Alliance Players?

You’re out of luck if you’re Horde; the BfA bee pet’s only for Alliance players. So, you’ll need to switch sides or use an Alliance character to snag that buzzin’ companion.

What Are the Lore Implications of the Bfa Bee Pet? Does It Tie Into Any Specific Storylines or Character Backstories Within World of Warcraft?

You’re uncovering an epic saga where the BfA bee pet buzzes with minor lore, but it’s not central to major storylines or backstories, rather a sweet side quest in the grand tapestry of WoW.

Is There Any Way to Speed up the Process of Obtaining the Bfa Bee Pet, Such as Buffs or Items That Increase the Rate of Collecting Necessary Items Like Thin Jelly?

You can’t really rush it, but wearing the Beeholder’s Goggles increases Thin Jelly visibility. Also, farming during jelly events and with others speeds up collection. No shortcuts, just grind away!


As the golden sun dips below the horizon, you stand triumphant, your pockets sticky with Thin Jelly. The hum of friendship resonates as Bumbles, your new bee companion, buzzes around you in warm affection. With each flutter of its tiny wings, your heart swells with pride. Together, you’ll soar through Azeroth’s skies, an unbreakable bond forged in honey and adventure. The secret’s out, and it’s sweeter than you ever imagined.

Let’s fight together!